Towards a Research Agenda for Understanding and ManagingUncertainty in Self-Adaptive Systems
Danny Weyns
Radu Calinescu
Raffaela Mirandola
Kenji Tei
Maribel Acosta
Amel Bennaceur
Nicolas Boltz
Tomas Bures
Javier Camara
Ada Diaconescu
(10, 11)
Gregor Engels
Simos Gerasimou
Ilias Gerostathopoulos
Sinem Getir Yaman
Vincenzo Grassi
Sebastian Hahner
Emmanuel Letier
Marin Litoiu
Lina Marsso
Angelika Musil
Juergen Musil
Genaina Nunes Rodrigues
Diego Perez-Palacin
Federico Quin
Patrizia Scandurra
Antonio Vallecillo
Andrea Zisman
KU Leuven -
Catholic University of Leuven = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
2 University of York [York, UK]
3 POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano [Milan]
4 Departement of Mathematics [Waseda]
5 RUB - Ruhr University Bochum = Ruhr-Universität Bochum
6 OU - The Open University [Milton Keynes]
7 KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology = Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
8 UK - Univerzita Karlova [Praha, Česká republika] = Charles University [Prague, Czech Republic]
9 Universidad de Málaga [Málaga] = University of Málaga [Málaga]
10 ACES - Autonomic and Critical Embedded Systems
11 INFRES - Département Informatique et Réseaux
12 University of Paderborn
13 Free University of Amsterdam
14 Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma, Italia] = University of Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italy] = Université de Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italie]
15 UCL - University College of London [London]
16 NYU - New York University [New York]
17 University of Toronto
18 TU Wien - Vienna University of Technology = Technische Universität Wien
19 UnB - University of Brasilia [Brazil]
20 UniBg - Università degli Studi di Bergamo = University of Bergamo
21 Universidade Aberta [Lisboa]
2 University of York [York, UK]
3 POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano [Milan]
4 Departement of Mathematics [Waseda]
5 RUB - Ruhr University Bochum = Ruhr-Universität Bochum
6 OU - The Open University [Milton Keynes]
7 KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology = Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
8 UK - Univerzita Karlova [Praha, Česká republika] = Charles University [Prague, Czech Republic]
9 Universidad de Málaga [Málaga] = University of Málaga [Málaga]
10 ACES - Autonomic and Critical Embedded Systems
11 INFRES - Département Informatique et Réseaux
12 University of Paderborn
13 Free University of Amsterdam
14 Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma, Italia] = University of Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italy] = Université de Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italie]
15 UCL - University College of London [London]
16 NYU - New York University [New York]
17 University of Toronto
18 TU Wien - Vienna University of Technology = Technische Universität Wien
19 UnB - University of Brasilia [Brazil]
20 UniBg - Università degli Studi di Bergamo = University of Bergamo
21 Universidade Aberta [Lisboa]
Despite considerable research efforts on handling uncertainty in self-adaptive systems, a comprehensive understanding of the precise nature of uncertainty is still lacking. This paper summarises the findings of the 2023 Bertinoro Seminar on Uncertainty in Self- Adaptive Systems, which aimed at thoroughly investigating the notion of uncertainty, and outlining open challenges associated with its handling in self-adaptive systems. The seminar discussions were centered around five core topics: (1) agile end-toend handling of uncertainties in goal-oriented self-adaptive systems, (2) managing uncertainty risks for self-adaptive systems, (3) uncertainty propagation and interaction, (4) uncertainty in self-adaptive machine learning systems, and (5) human empowerment under uncertainty. Building on the insights from these discussions, we propose a research agenda listing key open challenges, and a possible way forward for addressing them in the coming years.