Welcome to the Telecom Paris scientific open-access archive

The HAL portal of Télécom Paris is an open archive where authors can upload scholarly documents from all academic fields including articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, reports, PhD theses, habilitation theses (the authorization/accreditation to supervise research, known in France as the "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" - HDR), etc. Research that is carried out at Télécom Paris is centered on the expertise of its two laboratories : the Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation (I3) and the Information Processing and Communications Laboratory (LTCI). It covers the major scientific disciplines taught at the school: Computer Science and Networks, Applied Mathematics, Communications and Electronics, Image, Data, & Signal Processing, Economics and Social Sciences.

Latest publications


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Number of fulltext

5 951

Number of references

7 409

Open access

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Collaborations per pays