Demonstration Of Performance For Low Cost Personal HSM
This demonstration presents an original personal Hardware Secure Module (HSM) server, built from grid of secure elements and host system (Raspberry Pi), with internet connectivity. Each secure element is plugged in a board with a microcontroller providing I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface. The host system executes the open software IoSEv5 (Internet of Secure Elements version 5), which manages two T CP/IP daemons. First is used for downloading software in secure elements, second is a TLS front server that send/receive TLS packets to/from TLS backend servers running in secure elements. Applications hosted in secure elements implement a keystore, which stores cryptographic keys and computes signature over 256 bits elliptic curve. The demonstration shows the grid at work with 16 simultaneous TLS sessions performing signature operation. It shows that performance follows the Amdahl's law, with a speeding factor of about 50.