Improved CRL Distribution point for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
The Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) are already part of our daily life, and their adoption is exponentially increasing, especially with the rise of smart cities concept. However, the security of these infrastructures remains a critical and significant challenge to meet. The Public key infrastructure (PKI) using certificates is the most popular solution to address security issues. The vehicles are identified by a lot of pseudonyms certificates, which must be revoked when the vehicle becomes misbehaving or faulty. The use of multiple certificates introduces new critical problems on services, like the certificate revocation verification. The revocation management is critical for a PKI, even worse in vehicular communications, where there are long revocation lists to process. All nodes of a network must be aware of all pairs’ revocation status as soon as possible to prevent the revoked nodes from unauthorized activities in the network. The revocation is still an open challenge that is starting to attract a lot of attention from researchers. In this paper, we propose a new scalable and reliable approach for revocation lists dissemination called improved certificate distribution point system (ICRLDP). Our plan proposes a trade-off between vehicle privacy and security.