An Online Approach to D2D Trajectory Utility Maximization Problem
The emergence of social media and the associated mobile applications has ushered a culture of constant connectivity. The cybercitizens of today are increasingly willing to modify their behavior in order to stay connected. The current paper formulates the trajectory optimization problem for commuting users communicating through a device-to-device (D2D) link. We consider a pair of pedestrians seeking to reach their respective destinations, while using the D2D link for data exchange applications such as file transfer, video calling, and online gaming. In order to enable better D2D connectivity, the pedestrians are willing to deviate from their respective shortest paths, at the cost of reaching their destinations slightly late. A generic trajectory optimization problem is formulated and solved for the case when full information about the problem in known in advance. Motivated by the D2D user's need to keep their destinations private, we also formulate a regularized variant of the problem that can be used to develop a fully online algorithm, that is shown to achieve a sublinear offline regret and satisfy the user mobility constraints. The theoretical results are backed by detailed numerical tests that establish the efficacy of the proposed algorithms under various settings.