Harnessing Superclasses for Learning from Hierarchical Databases
In many large-scale classification problems, classes are orga-nized in a known hierarchy, typically represented as a tree expressingthe inclusion of classes in superclasses. We introduce a loss for this typeof supervised hierarchical classification. It utilizes the knowledge of thehierarchy to assign each example not only to a class but also to all encom-passing superclasses. Applicable to any feedforward architecture with asoftmax output layer, this loss is a proper scoring rule, in that its expecta-tion is minimized by the true posterior class probabilities. This propertyallows us to simultaneously pursue consistent classification objectives be-tween superclasses and fine-grained classes, and eliminates the need fora performance trade-off between different granularities. We conduct anexperimental study on three reference benchmarks, in which we vary thesize of the training sets to cover a diverse set of learning scenarios. Ourapproach does not entail any significant additional computational costcompared with the loss of cross-entropy. It improves accuracy and re-duces the number of coarse errors, with predicted labels that are distantfrom ground-truth labels in the tree.
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